
Prep, short for pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a medication regimen that helps prevent the transmission of HIV. It is designed for individuals who are at high risk of contracting HIV, such as those who have a partner with HIV or engage in unprotected sex.

At OHC Pharmacy, we are committed to providing comprehensive care for individuals seeking HIV prevention methods. Our knowledgeable pharmacists are here to guide you through the process of starting and maintaining a PrEP regimen.

Here are some key points about Prep that you should know:

PrEP involves taking a daily pill, usually a combination of two antiretroviral drugs, that helps to prevent the HIV virus from establishing itself in the body. By consistently taking PrEP as prescribed, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of becoming infected with HIV.

PrEP is recommended for individuals who are at high risk of contracting HIV, including those who have a partner with HIV, engage in unprotected sex, have multiple sexual partners, or use injectable drugs. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if PrEP is right for you.

When taken consistently, PrEP has been shown to be highly effective in preventing HIV transmission. Studies have demonstrated that PrEP can reduce the risk of contracting HIV by up to 99% in individuals who adhere to the prescribed regimen.

PrEP is generally safe and well-tolerated, but like any medication, it may have potential side effects. Common side effects include nausea, headache, and mild stomach discomfort. These side effects are usually temporary and tend to subside over time. It is important to discuss any concerns or questions with your healthcare provider.

To start PrEP, you will need to consult with a healthcare provider who can assess your risk factors and determine if PrEP is appropriate for you. They will perform necessary lab tests, including HIV and kidney function tests, before prescribing PrEP. Our pharmacists can work with your healthcare provider to ensure a smooth transition onto PrEP.

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